Women's Ministry

Redeemer Lutheran Church offers many opportunities for women to share their talents and skills with others in pursuit of service, fellowship, Bible study, prayer, social ministry and missions. Below are some opportunities to consider:


The Vesper Society strives to develop and maintain a greater mission consciousness among women at Redeemer through education, inspiration and service. Our major emphasis is the support of missions, both at home and abroad.

Through various fund raising efforts we help support several mission projects such as support for a child in Thailand through World Vision, a seminary student in St. Louis, and Lutheran Bible Translators.

Specific fund raising projects include the sale of plants at the semi-annual rummage sales, catering lunches for outside groups such as the Master Gardeners, our chili/stew dinner, strawberry festival and Christmas candy sales. Vespers meets on the second Monday of the month at 2:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall.

Christian Women’s Society

The main goal of Christian Women's Society (CWS) is to extend Christian Outreach to all women at Redeemer and to all women in the Mountain Home area. CWS also raises money through their semi-annual Rummage Sales which benefits local community charities and some mission charities. CWS meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 11:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall.


Various leadership positions are available for women to serve in, including our Mission & Ministry Council and Property Team. Contact the church office if you are interested in serving!

Cheer Club

Cheer Club meets twice a month and makes quilts for world relief organizations as well as organizations in our community. Come and enjoy the fellowship while providing comfort and joy to others. No special training is required. Cheer Club meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall.

Heart to Heart

This ministry provides an opportunity to share God’s love with our church family and friends by making cards for birthdays and other occasions and distributing them. This ministry also makes booklets with bible verses and poems to give to those in nursing homes and the hospital. Supplies are provided and volunteers are welcome to come and experience the joy of fellowship and encouragement for one another. Heart to Heart meets on Thursdays from 1:00—3:30PM in the Fellowship Hall.

Prayer Shawls

Members of this ministry knit or crochet shawls and pray for the recipient with each stitch. shawls are made independently by each member on their own time. Completed shawls are donated to those with special needs such as Hospice House, where they have become a special ministry.  After each shawl is made, it is blessed and presented to those who need comfort and strength.
